Sunday, April 29, 2007

Runescape Trade Scams

Trade scams in runescape are likely the most frequent method people use to cheat. Jagex have so far not been able to effectively prevent this type of scamming on runescape due to the nature of the way their ingame report abuse feature works.

I made sample video to try and highlight the fact - simply as when I went to world 18 Edgeville bank a scammer by the name of 69Stoner4 tried to scam me by switching the total amount of cash in a trade. I was aware and took my time and checked the 2nd trade screen, many people do not check the 2nd trade screen and fall victim to such scams.

The video serves a purpose to inform people of the importance of being vigilante when dealing in busy trading locations. I didn't capture the scam on video as I was simply starting to record at the time - maybe next video I get the scam in action.

Hopefully Jagex realise the scale of such trade scams in runescape and properly implement a method to report people while the trade window is open. Currently this isn't the case so scammers are easily able to avoid being reported in any busy trading area.


Anonymous said...

I was trying to buy 1000 steel bars at 500gp, scammer (u*)came up with them then after i put up the cash he quickly removed 900 of them evaporating 84% of my assets.

what is also needed is for the system to remember the last trade attempt for reporting, the events during a trade, and perhaps record the last 10 chatlines of each player timestamped.

Latona said...

That is one major form of trade scamming - when people quickly change the items or cash amount that they offer.

All players should take their time in a trade and ensure they check the second trade window and everything is correct on that.

I agree, the report system should record the last trade and enable it to be reported... it would elminate any person getting away with a 2nd trade scam.