Runescape Private Servers
There has been a great deal on search activity looking for Runescape Private Servers. However, this has mainly been generated by only a small number of people and is likely aimed at trying to boost the visibility of their own runescape private server site.
Extra caution must be taken to ensure that honest runescape players are not fooled into registering and using the same character name and password as they use on the main site.
Most of the private servers are in fact attempts to gain access to an honest players account or a foolish players account. If ever required to download anything then you run the risk of having a keylogger installed, so be warned and stay safe and only access your runescape account from the actual main website.
The same sites that offer private server access will normally offer various runescape cheats and runescape stat editor downloads. Again, extra caution should be taken as the majority of downloads associated with runescape are an attempt to gain control of your player account on the main game.
Forewarned is forearmed, or so the saying goes - so always treat any runescape download with extra caution and you will help insure the integrity of your account and your computer system.