Sunday, November 19, 2006

Runescape Private Servers

There has been a great deal on search activity looking for Runescape Private Servers. However, this has mainly been generated by only a small number of people and is likely aimed at trying to boost the visibility of their own runescape private server site.

Extra caution must be taken to ensure that honest runescape players are not fooled into registering and using the same character name and password as they use on the main site.

Most of the private servers are in fact attempts to gain access to an honest players account or a foolish players account. If ever required to download anything then you run the risk of having a keylogger installed, so be warned and stay safe and only access your runescape account from the actual main website.

The same sites that offer private server access will normally offer various runescape cheats and runescape stat editor downloads. Again, extra caution should be taken as the majority of downloads associated with runescape are an attempt to gain control of your player account on the main game.

Forewarned is forearmed, or so the saying goes - so always treat any runescape download with extra caution and you will help insure the integrity of your account and your computer system.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Runescape Downloads

All RuneScape players should be aware that downloads available for the game are mainly against Jagex rules. One primary reason is that many downloads associated with RuneScape are in fact hiding a virus or keylogger and their objective is to gain access to your RuneScape account.

I have two community searches available that I am trying to make much more useful, the original search that is available via the RuneScape Swicki and the new Runescape Search Engine that is available through Google Co-Op.

The aim of both the search features is to help compile useful RuneScape resources. In addition, I have also launched my new runescape help site that is a revamp of my original site. The new help site makes it easy for any runescape player to register and submit their guides or tips to the database and over time will become a priceless resource in itself.

All runescape players should consider bookmarking both the Co-Op search engine and the new runescape help site and actively contribute to either to help both resources become much more effective.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Recovery Questions - Important -

Many people still have not set their recovery questions for their Runescape account. If you are not aware of the purpose of setting the recovery questions then you should take a run through the stronghold of security at the barbarian village. It will serve as an ingame reminder on the importance of your overall account security.

The recovery questions should be unique to you, and at no time should you ever reveal them to anyone. Especially not to anyone who you have met through playing runescape as it will enable them to permanently gain control over your playin character.

Jagex are trying to educate all players in Runescape that your account security is the most important aspect for your continued enjoyment of the game. If you have still not set appropriate security questions, then you should do immediately after reading this posting.

Once recovery questions are set successfully, you should still be careful what information you reveal to people when they ask you questions. Always remember to never reveal the information you may have used in setting the recovery questions. It is well known that the most experienced scammers in runescape will befriend people and draw out bits and pieces of information over time before they move in and try to take control of your account.

Jagex designed the stronghold of security to refresh your memory of the importance of your overall account security. My advice is use it before you lose your account.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lumbridge Swamp Scam

The Lumbridge Swamp Scam was a very popular scam ingame on Runescape, although it is not as common now, there are still people who are unaware of it. Jagex have made additional signs warning people of the hazards of going into the Lumbridge Swamp Cave and this has resulted in less people being fooled.

Lumbridge Swamp Cave warning

The additional warning signs implemented by Jagex should be observed by players who are unsure about entering the Swamp Caves. Players should be safe if they wear a Spiny Helm and take a lit Saphire Lantern in their inventory. Other forms of lanterns may get extinguished and unless a light source is also taken, could result in a player losing items.

For players unaware of the entrance to the Swamp Caves, they can easily get to it from Draynor Village bank - simply head south into the swamp until you come to the candle maker. This NPC will be able to sell basic light sources, although it is advised to bring the Saphire Lantern.

Candle seller at entrance to Lumbridge swamp caves

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Player Security

Jagex have now started to proactively promote player security and awareness to help reduce the amount of scams that have plagued the game and seen many naive players carelessly give their password information to 'friends' they had only just met.

Players should always make sure they are fully aware of Jagex rules for playing RuneScape as sticking by those rules WILL reduce chances of you becoming a victim of a serial scammer or a chancer.

In any walk of life there is always the small print. In this instance, the small print appears to be the game rules whereby many players simply do not educate themselves and become aware of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. READ THE RULES, simple but effective if followed to prevent you compromising your computer security.

When a computer has its security compromised, it can have some serious knock-on affects that can cause a lot of further problems, especially if using a shared computer then it can give access to confidential files that can include credit card information, bank security details and so forth.

Runescape may only be a game, and it may only be kids looking to scam items from each other. However, the potential consequences of compromising your computer security can lead to all private information being sent to unknown sources.

Playing by the rules will severely reduce chances of you receiving a computer virus therefore reducing the overall risk of compromising your computer security.

My motto, play safe, stay safe.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Tweaks and Bugfixes

With the update last week concentrating on bugfixes as well as tweaking some smaller aspects of the game, all players can be assured that it is getting more difficult to abuse bugs within the game that effectively result in scamming others.

There are a few very simple rules to follow to reduce your chances of being scammed:

1. Never reveal your password to anyone
2. Never download any autominer software as they may contain keyloggers
3. Do not buy any runescape money for real money
4. Do not trade real items or money for runescape items or money
5. Never accept .exe files from strangers or anyone you do not trust inherently

Overall, if you play by Jagex Rules you will severely reduce the risks of being scammed. Many people do take the game very seriously and it is real people that are adversely affected when they are a victim. It is a game at the end of the day, and should be enjoyed by people rather than destroyed by a small minority of players.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ever been trade scammed in Runescape?

The question is a simple one. Many thousands of people regularly fall victim to some type of scam on runescape and then hate the game for their own misfortune.

There is no requirement for players to do as they are told or believe everything that they are told about items that they are not familiar with. The very simple rule of thumb to follow is if anything feels too good to be true then it invariably is too good to be true.

Always exercise caution when you feel you are being offered an absolute bargain. It is often the case that the bargain is really an opportunity for a chancer to try and make some quick cash at your expense by quickly changing items in the trade window. ALWAYS double check the second trade window before confirming any ingame trade.

An extra few seconds to confirm the second screen can save you a fortune in the long term and really help improve your overall enjoyment of the game.